At TakeMyCertification, we offer competitive pricing on exam vouchers, ensuring you save money while preparing for your certification. With fast delivery and excellent customer service, we 're committed to helping you achieve your certification goals. Also, we have a “Price match Guarantee” i.e., if you find the lowest price somewhere, we will be happy to match it. The other offer we add is that you need not pay any VAT or GST on your exam fees when you buy vouchers from us. Also, for your convenience, you can pay in your local currency as well as in cryptocurrency.
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Guaranteed Lowest Price or We Match the Lowest You Find
Worldwide Validity, No Country Restriction
Pay In Your Local Currency &Save VAT, GST Taxes.
Exam Vouchers at discounted rates for students and professionals
Offering everything from Cisco, CompTIA, Fortinet, Microsoft, GCP, AWS certification exams, choose your preferred certification and checkout on this page
As soon as you buy your exam voucher, you 'll receive an order confirmation by email with next steps. Just reply from the provided option and wait for the next step.
If you choose to apply for the voucher yourself, it 's non-refundable once delivered via email. As a non-tangible item, it cannot be refunded if it doesn 't work
For a 100% guarantee that your voucher works, You give us remote access, go to the exam page, and schedule for a future date and reschedule later.
Covering over 500+ of the top IT certifications around the world, we 're certain we have what you 're looking for. And providing proxy exam services with 100.00% pass rates, we 'll have the subject expert for it.
Vouchers are non-refundable, non-returnable, and non-transferable. Valid for one exam at an authorized Test Service Provider. Valid Till Expiry Date; must register and take the exam before expiration. Expiration dates cannot be extended. Exam retirement dates may supersede voucher expiration dates
Valid Worldwide unless mentioned specifically. Program-specific and exam-specific; cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash/credit. Usable at Testing Providers like PearsonVUE or Kryterion.
Separate emails for each product purchased. Emails include order confirmation, voucher details, expiration. Check spam, junk, and promotional folders if emails are not received promptly.
Not responsible for lost/stolen discounted-exam-vouchers. No responsibility for customer performance or no show. Customers are responsible for following testing provider policies.
Digital products (discounted-exam-vouchers, study guides, practice tests) are strictly non-refundable and non-exchangeable once emailed. It 's the same as CompTIA, Pearsonvue non-refundable policy.
All products are sent via email; no physical products are mailed.
Testing Provider may change voucher expiration dates depending on course/promotion availability. Certification assessments are invalid once the voucher expires.
Vouchers purchased from exam sponsors like Cisco, CompTIA, Microsoft, etc., will work when scheduling tests. Voucher codes must be used instead of credit card payment when registering for exams.
All sales are final. Once a voucher is purchased and delivered, it cannot be returned or refunded. Please double-check your order details before completing the purchase to avoid any issues. For more information contact us directly. We are here to assist you every step of the way on your certification journey!
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